Crossing Lines I


Size: 24×36″
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

1 in stock


In a world with so much turmoil among people, the artist created her latest abstract, Crossing Lines I, as a reflection of how she felt things were and how she hoped they would grow to be. The strong bold lines of various colors represent people of different races and ethnicities, walking together. The black splashes represent her despair at how many people have treated others unfairly and unequally. The punchy blue splashes represent her hope for serenity and peace to ensue and for people to accept each other as individual human beings with full complete individual lives of their own. May the hate and killing stop and let’s all find a way to coexist peacefully and stop crossing lines that shouldn’t be crossed.

If you like the style of this painting, check out more of the artist’s paintings with bold colors, shapes, and symbolism including At War with Peace in My Mind, Portal, Seduction I, and After the Rain I.

Size: 24×36″
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Canvas Depth: 1.5″
Year Created: 2021

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